The Knights of the Holy Grail is a brotherhood of the Quest for the realization of the kingdom of heaven within and the higher meaning of life.
The Knights follow the noble path of Christian spiritual chivalry, the way of knightly honor and discipline.
Those who adventure upon the stormy sea of life in the Quest of the Grail are warriors of the spirit who fight not against flesh and blood but against their own lower selves and the mystery of the unknown.
The Grail knights are dedicated to the Quest of the Holy Grail, the search for the higher spiritual wisdom and hidden treasure which the Grail symbolizes.
Bound together by its deep and mystical spirituality which alone can satisfy the soul, the Knights follow the Quest of the Holy Grail, a path that can enrich and elevate the human soul to higher ideals, illumination and happiness.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
With these words, Christ invites us upon a journey of discovery, a pilgrimage to the Interior Castle of the Kingdom of Heaven within.
In the spirit of adventure and in the grand old tradition of knighthood, we journey forth upon the Quest for the Holy Grail.
The Quest for the Grail is a journey that leads us to places of hidden spiritual treasures and miracles, sacred shrines and ancient holy places of healing and otherworldly visions.
On the way you will meet with wise men and holy women who will share their age-old wisdom with you and guide you on your path.
You will take up the Knights' struggle against evil and strive to overcome the darkness in your own heart.
You will be tested and find deep meaning and purpose for your life.
You will witness miraculous signs and wonders, and help others upon their journey through life.
You will find your heart's desire.
The Quest of the Holy Grail is a call to take up the crusader's cross and discover the heroism and adventure of a life lived for and guided by God. It is to journey forth upon a pilgrimage for the sanctifying grace hidden in the mysteries and secrets of the search for the kingdom of heaven, the "treasure hidden in a field" (Matthew 13:44) for which "few there are that find it." (Matthew 7:14).
The Quest can ennoble those who choose to follow the path of the Grail Quest. The Way of spiritual chivalry is a means for self-development, however, and not self-aggrandizement.
The Grail Knight sets forth upon his Quest in search of the marks and proofs of his Creator, who amply rewards the sincere seeker with signs and wonders and unveiling of mysteries heretofore hidden.
The Quest is a journey towards finding the "kingdom of heaven within" and fulfilling one's true purpose in life, what one has been created for. The Grail is as personal as it is universal, and is symbolic of all that is near and dear to us, the fulfillment of the righteous desires of our heart.
The Quest of the Holy Grail is a way for all who want to experience more deeply and richly the holy mysteries for which the Grail remains the perfect object and symbol of this Quest, a spiritual knowledge which cannot be taught or given but must be learned and experienced for oneself.
Upon this path you will discover a knowledge of the spirit that is not second-hand but one gained through direct and personal experience, with an assurance that comes from within.
Those who go forth upon this Quest find a path through which contact with the other world becomes a common reality, marked by unceasing and burning prayer, wondrous visions, prophecy, healing of body and soul, and mystical communion with the saints of all ages.
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13)
The Quest of the Holy Grail is the greatest adventure you can undertake and along the way you may discover the forgotten ruins of an old Spanish mission, be led to a remote sanctuary atop a mountain, pray at the tomb of a saint, witness miracles like weeping icons and holy apparitions, and meet with wise men and women and old hermits who will share their age-old wisdom with you and guide you upon the Quest.
There is no need to travel around the world although you probably will, for what seems impossible to you now will become very real. The lands of North America alone are filled with thousands of historical churches, shrines, monasteries and libraries, treasure-houses of great mysteries and keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Everywhere you journey, you will find doors opened to you by those who have walked before you, and companionship with other knights of the Grail, hidden from the world, whose mighty deeds are known only to God.
The Quest teaches honor, discipline and courage to those who desire to become a Knight of the Holy Grail. In seeking the mysteries of God, we obtain guidance in troubled times, a quiet heart, festal joy and indescribable peace in the soul.
Those who possess this "peace that passes all understanding" can remain unshaken amidst the troubles of the world. They have glimpsed the kingdom of heaven already in this life. In this lies supreme happiness.
The Quest is a grand adventure leading to the greatest happiness, peace and fulfillment known to man. The Knights of the Holy Grail offer a treasure map to the Quest and all the spiritual riches that may be obtained through it in a true brotherhood of fellow pilgrims and seekers.
"Behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21)
![Quest for the Holy Grail](resources/holy_grail_quest.jpg)
"He spoke the blessed words,
So sweet and precious,
Gracious and merciful,
That are rightly called and named
The Secret of the Grail."
— Robert de Boron
Joseph of Arimathea
My good blade carves the casques of men,
My tough lance thrusteth sure,
My strength is as the strength of ten,
Because my heart is pure.
How sweet are looks that ladies bend
On whom their favors fall!
For them I battle till the end,
To save from shame and thrall.
So pass I hostel, hall and grange;
By bridge and ford, by park and pale;
All-armed I ride, whate'er betide,
Until I find the Holy Grail.
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